By: Foundation for Jewish Camp

Caroline Rothstein

Caroline Rothstein – Experiential Educator

Favorite Program

Words Create Worlds: How Storytelling Empowers Us To Grow

As Jews, we are a resilient diaspora, using storytelling and our voices to ignite change and spark hope. In this 2-day program, spoken word poet and educator Caroline Rothstein will offer a unique interactive poetry performance for campers and/or staff (including Q&A), and up to three workshops around topics of the camp’s choosing, including (and not limited to): identity, Jewish values, consent, body image, gender, sexuality, social justice, tikkun olam, leadership, spirituality, and storytelling. Campers and/or staff will learn how, with a Jewish lens, to intentionally use their unique, individual voices and stories to feel heard and have an effective impact both at camp and in the world at large.

Key Topics

Identity, Social Justice, Storytelling


For more information on Caroline Rothstein, visit their website here.

Wonderful human being and educator/facilitator who is thoughtful and creative in her work. She is flexible and adaptable–willing to meet our campers and staff where they are and expand their perspectives in an appropriate, powerful way.

-Camp Wise