Eliana Light
Eliana Light – Experiential Educator
Favorite Program
How to (not) Talk about G!D
This professional development experience utilizes music, sacred text, and personal reflection to examine how we talk about G!D and why it matters. At Jewish camp, G!D is in our curriculum whether we address it or not- in Torah, in prayer, and in our own struggles and questions. As a safe and sacred community, camp is the perfect place to explore spirituality and belief, for both campers and staff. Staff will leave this session with “tachlis” conversational tools and program ideas, as well as a better understanding of their own relationship to the Divine. Sessions are customized to each camp’s Jewish practice and values. In addition, the G!D Project can offer experiential learning sessions to campers, to be observed and debriefed by staff as part of the training, or as a separate experience.
Key Topics
God/Spirituality, Prayer-Alternative, Prayer-Tefilah
For more information on Eliana Light, visit their website here.
It was a pleasure to have the opportunity to really discuss G-d with our campers in a meaningful way
-Camp Ramah Northern California