
Jonah Comic (Dov Smiley)

Jonah Comic (Dov Smiley)- Experiential Educator

Favorite Program

Comic Book Creation

Explore Jewish values, history and culture through comic book art at camp this summer. Campers will work on fun illustration projects created by professional comic book artists that create stories through art and depict their Jewish lessons visually. Comic Books are a dynamic part of the shared Jewish history, and now campers can combine their love of pop culture with their personal Jewish identity. Among what we do is create Jewish superheroes, tell our Judaic stories in comic book panels and bridge comic book media with Jewish values using professional comic book methods for the campers.

Key Topics

Jewish Values, Storytelling, Visual Arts


For more information on Jonah Comic, visit their website here. 

I was incredibly impressed with Dov. He’s very talented and has a lot to share.

-Sprout Lake