Mainstages – Experiential Educator
Favorite Program
trAPPed! A “Pop-Up” Performance about being in the moment
trAPPed! is an original “Pop-Up” Performance interweaving experiential workshops and activities into a culminating performance where staff and campers play characters, wear costumes, and perform for their peers. trAPPed! follows the story of Benji Chutzpah, a camper who gets transported into the apps on his phone. Along the performance, participants are posed critical questions about human interaction and shared viewpoints on how technology has changed the accessibility and relationship between Jews in a shrinking world. trAPPed! is designed for camps seeking relevant, polished Jewish content delivered in a way that feels “home-made.” The programming format and number of participants is designed to be flexible enough to accommodate different camp needs, making trAPPed! ideal for a camp-wide event or smaller breakout sessions.
Key Topics
Jewish Values, Performance, Theater
For more information on Mainstages, visit their website here.
It was amazing! We want more PopUp performances!
-Camp Airy and Louise