
Resources: Materials for Developing Internal Security Protocols

FJC and Gleis Security Consulting have developed materials and templates to aid camps in developing their own internal security protocols. These documents contain observations, recommended security operations, and plans from GSC and FJC.

For security purposes, these documents are not posted on the internet.  Please email Randi@JewishCamp.org to request any of the following documents:

  1. How-to Guide for Simple & Effective Emergency Procedures – A detailed, customizable guide for your camp to use in creating your own emergency procedure and protocols.
  2. Bomb Threat Checklist – Steps to take in the event of a bomb threat.
  3. Emergency Procedure Action Sheet – Steps to take for various emergency situations (lock down, evacuation, suspicious people or objects. Customizable for different buildings and spaces).
  4. Suspicious Activity Report – A template for reporting a suspicious person or vehicle.