By: Foundation for Jewish Camp

Responding to Suicidal Ideation

Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among U.S. teenagers, and the CDC reports these rates have grown in recent decades (2018). Adolescent campers often build intimate bonds with their peers and their young adult staff, and this comfortable environment often leads to sharing significant details about one’s mental health. Knowing how to respond, assess, and intervene on suicidal ideation is an essential mental health skill. After this training, participants will be able to: Define a continuum of risk; Respond calmly and effectively to a disclosure in real-time; Build an effective protocol for response; Create safety plans; and Facilitate role plays to train frontline staff. Jewish culture demands we face darkness head-on, with the resilience and compassion. In this spirit, this training aims to empower camp leadership, and in turn their staff, not to shy away from this extremely difficult and important topic.