La-Bri’ut Program Guide
La-bri’ut : To our health and wellness is a program guide created for camp counselors to lead activities for Jewish values-based resilience building. La-bri’ut is built on five caregiving principles that support healing and resiliency. These five principles are each aligned with a Jewish value so our campers can experience Judaism, Jewish tradition, and their Jewish camp as a framework to help support them over the summer. The five program areas are:
- Sukkat Shalom (shelter of peace) – A sense of safety
- Ometz Lev (inner strength) – A sense of calm
- G’vurah (strength/power) – Self- and communal-efficacy
- K’hillah (community) – Social connectedness
- Hesed (loving kindness) – Hope attained by reaching out to assist others
Each program helps campers gain an understanding of these values and principles for themselves and their communities through stories, activities, and exploration, all while strengthening their wellness and resilience. As a community, you will proactively strengthen their mental wellbeing while participating in fun “campy” activities.
The full La-bri’ut program guide is available for download here:
Download the <em>La-Bri’ut</em> Program Guide here!Below you will find the programs broken out by value as well as supplemental resources. Your camp may choose to use the entire guide, pick out one value to focus on, or facilitate a single stand-alone activity!
The FJC La-bri’ut program guide is adapted from The Jewish Education Center of Cleveland’s La-bri’ut Curriculum with support from The Covenant Foundation.
The FJC La’bri-ut summer adaptation was made possible through the generosity of The Marcus Foundation as part of the Yedid Nefesh: Nurturing Mental, Emotional, Social, & Spiritual Health at Jewish Camp initiative.