A Study of Russian Jews and Their Attitudes Towards Overnight Jewish Summer Camp
One in every six Jews in North America is from a Russian-speaking family. But Jewish communal institutions–including schools, synagogues, and camps–have met with little success in engaging this population in cultural and social activities. We wonder: Why aren’t Russian Jews participating in Jewish institutional life in numbers proportionate to the size of their population? With the goal of attracting a substantially higher number of children from Russian-speaking families to overnight camp, the Foundation for Jewish Camp, with the support of the Genesis Philanthropy Group, commissioned a study of Russian-speaking parents to begin to learn about their attitudes toward camp. This research also has the added benefit of being the first national survey of Russian-speaking Jewish parents that explores the decisions they are making with respect to Jewish education and recreation for their children, as well as the potential there may be to tip the scales in favor of Jewish choices in the future.
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