
Join the FJC Network

To support a vibrant Jewish future, we’re devoted to helping Jewish camps thrive. A catalyst for change, FJC accelerates innovation in the field of Jewish camp by developing adaptive talent, deepening immersive learning experiences, and driving growth.

We are humbled to work alongside hundreds of Jewish camps across North America who share a commitment to furthering our mission: to build a strong Jewish future through transformative summers.

Why should Our Camp join the FJC Network?

What is the FJC Network criteria?**

What are the Network Camps requirements?

How does My Camp join the FJC Network?

What is the application timeline?

**FJC is entitled to remove any camp from its network at any time at its discretion. Criteria subject to change at FJC discretion.

Apply Here

Questions? Please email Yevgeniy Klig to discover if an association between your camp and FJC may be helpful.