Marlene Forcas Camp at the J

Marlene Forcas Camp at the J

The Levis JCC has been providing children of all ages with unforgettable summers since 1986. Our dedicated, caring team is committed to making the camp experience the best it can be for every child, every summer.

Camp is all about kids having the freedom to learn and grow without pressures from school while developing skills that prepare them for future success. Our camp culture is built on universally accepted moral ideals as well as strong Jewish values. We incorporate respect, honor, good sportsmanship and teamwork into all that we do.

Our full-day camp program offers stimulating activities, convenient schedules and experienced staff for summers of fun, well-being and friendship. Welcoming all camper for non-stop fun!

Gan Izzy Ranch Camp

Gan Izzy Ranch Camp

The Ultimate 6 week Jewish camp experience that combines nature, Judaism, and non-stop fun! We offer horse riding, swimming, sports, and landscaping on site plus art, wood working, trips, specialty shows, dress up days, sports, and loads of fun!

Gan Yisroel West

Gan Yisroel West

Camp Kaylie

Camp Kaylie

Camp Kaylie takes great pride in providing for all our campers a first-rate experience suffused with Torah values and life priorities.

We believe that the camping experience can play a fundamental role in the formation of a youngster’s character.

In close quarters of their cabins, bunkmates naturally learn to help each other, to look beyond first impressions, and to open themselves up to friendships and relationships, with campers of ALL abilities, that can last a lifetime.

At Camp Kaylie we strive to engage our campers in a wide variety of meaningful camp programming, making camp a transformative and exciting outdoor summer experience.
We have created a community defined on kindness, sportsmanship, personal responsibility, and mutual respect.

Camp Emunah Bnos Yaakov Yehuda

Camp Emunah Bnos Yaakov Yehuda

Camp Emunah was established in 1953, with a special blessing from our Rebbe to Rabbi Yaakov Yehuda OB”M, along with his wife Rebbitzen Chave Hecht who has been serving as its director since its inception. Rabbi JJ Hecht was the first to open a girl’s overnight camp in the world of Lubavitch. The camp has been conducted on the teachings and guidance of the Rebbe since it was founded. The same grounds are still being used today and constantly being updated to fit the needs of its staff and campers. Camp Emunah quickly became one of the largest and greatest of its kind. They accepted tens of thousands of Jewish girls from all different Jewish backgrounds. They established an open door policy where everyone feels accepted.

Marlene Forkas Camp at the J

Marlene Forkas Camp at the J

The Levis JCC has been providing children of all ages with unforgettable summers since 1986. Our dedicated, caring team is committed to making the camp experience the best it can be for every child, every summer.

Camp is all about kids having the freedom to learn and grow without pressures from school while developing skills that prepare them for future success. Our camp culture is built on universally accepted moral ideals as well as strong Jewish values. We incorporate respect, honor, good sportsmanship and teamwork into all that we do.

A full-day camp program offers stimulating activities, convenient schedules and experienced staff for summers of fun, well-being and friendship. Welcoming campers from all backgrounds for summer fun!

Explorer Day Camp

Explorer Day Camp

Explorer Day Camp is an enrichment summer camp where children ages 4-14 grow and develop through sports, art, music, science and more. We empower campers to build their OWN camp program. The campers thank us later.

Explorer Day Camp offers a variety of subjects to awaken your child’s many interests. Campers explore individual talents, try new activities, make new friends, and most importantly, HAVE FUN! Campers will enjoy access to the high-quality facilities and fields of Forest Hills High School and will have the opportunity to swim daily at the exclusive Bay Terrace Pool Club.

*We welcome transgender, intersex, non-binary and gender-non conforming campers

YSP (Yeshivah Summer Program)

YSP (Yeshivah Summer Program)

Located on the beautiful, well-maintained grounds of the Rabbinical College of America, Yeshiva Summer Program YSP is known the world-over for its great ability to ease the transition from Elementary to Mesivta. Primarily a learning program, it seeks to serve those scholars desiring to spend their summer in intense Torah study, coupled with recreational activities. The perfect balance, this program places great emphasis on the spiritual service of G-d, spending over eight hours per day in study and prayer, regular tests, as well as incentives and performance-driven goals to suit the needs of each Talmid, while at the same time these young scholars enjoy sports, swimming, entertainment and many exciting trips.

Founded strictly on the directives of the Rebbe, much effort is put in to ensure that the atmosphere throughout the summer is a Yiddishe and Chassidishe one. A typical summer is packed with Farbrengens, giving the Talmidim a true appreciation for the Zechus, along with the equal Achrayus, that they carry as Chassidim of the Rebbe and particularly students of Tomchei Temimim. The late night discussions and Friday night Farbrengens with the staff and visiting Shluchim give them the opportunity to learn and absorb the meaningful and true way of life that Chassidus affords us, and empowers them with the will and strength to continue on, growing more and more connected to the Rebbe and following in his ways.

Camp Chaya

Camp Chaya

Camp Chaya is dedicated as a loving tribute to Chaya Spalter A”H, a remarkable girl who was taken from us far too soon. At the camp that carries her name, we try to recapture her beautiful spirit of love and enough joy for everyone she met.

Camp Chaya is nestled in the Laurel Highlands. Boasting 140 acres of playing fields and forestry, a stone’s throw from beautiful Lake Yough. Our many on site activities include go carting, rock climbing, driving range, archery, paintball, laser tag, boating and so much more.The Rebbe’s concept of achdus. We are as one family. Highly attuned counselors, a head counselor who is approachable, kind and supportive peers, and a program built around the framework of Yiras Shomayim and Ahavas Hatorah.

MMW Camps

MMW Camps

An Orthodox overnight camp in the Midwest located on a magnificent campus in Michigan. AC Bunkhouses, heated pool, brand new courts and fields, beautiful GYM, a beachfront lake, water sports, a newly renovated workshop center, state of the art recording studio, and more. It’s a place where friendships happen and memories are made.