Bronx House Day Camp
Our camp is located on the beautiful 100-acre rustic Henry Kaufmann Campgrounds in Rockland County. Bronx House has been using these magnificent grounds for more than 60 years and they continue to offer a unique camping experience that camps remaining in the city cannot compare with. These exceptional campgrounds allow us to provide a wide variety of activities for your child. Activities such as swimming, sports, boating, gardening, high ropes challenge course, S.T.E.M., nature, archery, yoga, music and more, are made better because of the distinctive outdoor setting.
Apachi Rogers Park
Located at Bernard Horwich JCC, Apachi Rogers Park is a hidden gem in the community, providing campers with a one-of-a-kind exploration of Judaism and self. You may not see it from our front doors, but venture out back and you’ll discover a gorgeous park-like setting, for sunny camp days packed with all the fun and friends of Apachi. With swim lessons, theme days, field trips, cookouts, and sports, campers thrive in our Torah-enriched community while exploring new interest, gaining skills, and creating lifelong friendships.
Apachi Northside Day Camp of Chicago
Apachi Northside encourages campers to celebrate what makes them truly special. Through sports, art, swimming, science and theater, campers discover new ways to express themselves, create friendships and try new things. As campers get older, our program grows with them providing more opportunities for choice and leadership development. Each week is highlighted by special theme days and exciting guest entertainers, which enhance opportunities for community building and indescribable fun.
*We welcome transgender, intersex, non-binary and gender-non conforming campers
Camp Dina
Our 90+ acre facility is located in the beautiful Pocono Mountains. We are only minutes off Route 80, yet tucked away hidden from main roads. Our magnificent property and impressive facilities are well known throughout the communities that we serve. We take great pride in the upkeep and maintenance of our camp. We offer a wide array of sports including basketball, baseball, volleyball, tennis, soccer, football and hockey. While games are competitive, and we aim to provide opportunities for skill-building, good sportsmanship is promoted above all else. Our goals are to instill a passion for staying active, build confidence and reinforce middos tovos!
Camp Agudah Midwest
An Orthodox overnight camp in the Midwest, run under the auspicious of the Agudah.
Young Judaea Sprout Westchester
In 2016, Young Judaea Sprout Westchester Day Camp was founded. We began not just as a summer day camp, but as an inclusive Jewish community in Northern Westchester. A place where a Jewish child could thrive and be at their very best. A place where everyone is welcome and encouraged and children could learn, grown, and explore. Most of all, where children could happy while making lifelong friendships.
*We welcome transgender, intersex, non-binary and gender-non conforming campers
Moshava Ba’Ir Toronto
Moshava Ba’ir Toronto is the day camp of Bnei Akiva of Toronto, the youth movement of Mizrachi Canada. We are a not-for-profit organization.
We are proud to offer a day camp that provides a safe, fun, and creative learning environment.
Your children will discover more about Judaism and Israel in innovative ways, make new friends, and meet great role models. They will love the range of activities, outings, songs and ruach, all in a warm and caring environment. Some of these daily activities include swim lessons & leisure swim, a variety of sports, a full music studio, a creative arts & crafts program, dancing, mad science, baking and more!
*We welcome transgender, intersex, non-binary and gender-non conforming campers
Camp Ramah In Canada
A summer at Camp Ramah in Canada is an immersion in Jewish living. Ramah’s dedication to excellence in informal Jewish education suffuses every minute and every event during the summer, from camping and outdoor activities, to dance and art, to swimming and sports. Through innovative programming, Ramah combines a love of Camp with meaningful Jewish experiences and instills in campers and counselors a love of Judaism, Israel, and community and fosters friendships that last a lifetime.
Gan Izzy Day Camp
Gan Izzy summer day camp of Bucks County offers a range of exciting activities, field trips, swimming, sports, crafts, and workshops all in a warm and caring environment.
Camp Sababa
Rising K-4th graders can exercise their minds and bodies in week-long Camp Sessions! Campers will bake delicious treats, make unique art, play their favorite sports, make great friends, and more! Keep your camper involved in their Jewish community, even in this time of separation, by enrolling them in Camp Sababa!
*We welcome transgender, intersex, non-binary and gender-non conforming campers