
Teen Camp (NJY Camps)

Teen camp or TAC, is a place for campers to thrive while receiving a clear structure and set of boundaries but enough freedom and flexibility to explore new interests and have the opportunity to step up and take on positions of responsibility.

We challenge our TAC campers to think about new ideas, to put themselves outside of their comfort zone and to gain an appreciation for helping and benefiting others. Campers leave completely inspired by the opportunities they have explored and the new ideas they have been exposed to.

Our camp’s focus is on teen leadership, service learning, and international teen tour experiences.


Cedar Lake Camp (NJY Camps)

Individual choice is the hallmark of the Cedar Lake Camp experience. Through our varied elective program, we empower campers to expand their abilities and pursue their unique interests one camper at a time. CLC is the NJY Camps’ exciting traditional camp summer program for children entering grades 7 to 9. We are conveniently located in Milford, Pennsylvania, 60 miles from Manhattan, on our beautiful eleven hundred acre, tree shaded campus, in the foothills of the Pocono Mountains.

At Cedar Lake Camp, one of the country’s largest camps devoted exclusively to 11-14 year olds, life-long friendships are developed, interests explored, new horizons discovered and self-awareness cultivated, which embraces Judaism.


Camp Nah-Jee-Wah (NJY Camps)

Camp NahJee-Wah offers a wide variety of age-appropriate activities that are supervised by highly qualified specialists and coaches. Our athletic program offers children individualized skill instruction as well as inter-camp tournament play. The waterfront boasts both a full pool and lake program with fun water elements. Our arts programs, in partnership with the 92nd St Y, offers campers general arts and crafts plus a variety of specialized options including woodshop, ceramics and painting and drawing. Our ropes challenge courses include both low and high elements. Try our Total Specialty Camps program for a concentrated experience in one of 17 different programs in Sports, Arts or Sciences.


Shoresh, Inc.

Shoresh (the Hebrew word for roots) is dedicated to providing educational enrichment programs related to our Jewish heritage. This will be the 43rd season that our summer program will serve the needs of Jewish children. At Camp Shoresh there are no labels! Campers come from all different backgrounds – Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, unaffiliated, public school, day school, etc. – and everyone thrives in our unique non-judgmental day camp environment. The seven weeks at Camp Shoresh are all about positive Judaism for campers entering Pre-K thru 10th grades from across MD, VA, W. VA, and D.C.


Camp YJ

Camp YJ, founded in 1939, serves children ages 8-15 (completing grades 2-9). Located on 168 scenic wooded acres on the shores of Lake Baboosic in southern New Hampshire, our waterfront features two power boats, rafts and floats, numerous canoes, kayaks, sailboats and paddle boards. Natural beauty abounds with hiking trails, plenty of green space and places to play and relax! Camp facilities include a large heated pool, eight brand-new tennis courts, several playing fields, basketball and volleyball courts, archery range, broadcasting/video studios, outdoor adventure course, a new 40-foot tall climbing wall, a large modern dining facility, sturdy wooden cabins, and several other spacious indoor facilities, including a gym/theater, arts and crafts studio, and rec hall. Shabbat services are held in a beautiful grove, sheltered by towering pine trees. Music, dance, drama, and Jewish culture are integral parts of our program.