
2016 FJC Impact Report

Type: Reports
Topics: Reports

In 2016, Foundation for Jewish Camp (FJC) celebrated its 18th year. Your engagement and generosity allows us to continue
to provide the leadership and innovation to fulfill our mission of building a strong Jewish future through transformative
summer experiences. With your support, we invest in leaders, amplify Jewishness, and expand the field. We are proud of
the significant achievements of the field of Jewish camp and are inspired by the impact that day camps, overnight camps,
and teen specialty experiences continue to have on our community.

The stories that follow offer observations from a graduate of one of our professional development program, highlights of
two local community partnerships, a perspective from a Jewish educator working with a day camp’s efforts to infuse Jewish
culture into camp, an overnight camps dedication to inclusivity, and a long-time investor in FJC.

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