By: djmanchester@gmail.com

Camping Early & Often: Day & Reesidential Camp Pipelines

Type: Reports
Topics: Leaders Assembly

by Helene Drobenare, Dan Held, Ricci Postan, Josh Satok, Rabbi David Soloff Increasingly, Jewish and non-Jewish camps are developing close pipeline partnerships between day and residential camps, capturing campers at a younger age and encouraging a longer tenure at Jewish camp. Based on an overview study of Jewish day and residential camp partnerships and drawing on hands-on experience from the field, this session will tease out the benefits that such partnerships can offer both camps and will offer a set of best practices to develop a pipeline of campers from day to residential programs. The session will be relevant to both stand-alone camps and those with existing day-residential partnerships.

Download: Pipeline Report – Camping Early and Often – Silber Centre for Jewish Camping