Community Care Resources

Programs and Initiatives
Yedid Nefesh Yashar Initiative
Resources, Training and Community Organizations
Strengths-Based Staff Curriculum
Building Upon YMHFA: Continuing Ed
Mussar Minutes breathing exercises
Camper Check-in Resource Guide
Mental Health Job Board: Open Positions: Mental Health – Foundation for Jewish Camp
Summer Camp Staff Journal – Created in partnership with The Blue Dove Foundation & BeWell
Keilim – A policy toolkit for creating safer, more respectful, and more equitable environments for those who work at and access your organization (by Sacred Spaces).
Shutaf: Inclusion Guide – Shutaf
Keshet: Keshet – An Organization for Individuals with Special Needs and Disabilities
Franki Bagdadi: Franki Bagdade M. Ed. LLMSW, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion-Focused Services: My mission through FAAB Consulting and Franki Bagdade Therapy is to ensure that education, parent support, mental health services, coaching, camp and recreation programs are accessible for those who are neurodivergent
The Jewish Braille Institute – Helping to bring people of all ages and backgrounds who are blind, visually impaired, or print disabled gain access to Jewish life, learning, and culture through braille, large print, and audio texts. JBI offers a wide range of free customized materials in braille, audio, and large print formats. For more information about producing accessible materials for your camp, please contact Daniel Gamble at
Ease – Offering online staff training & camper education on Consent, Boundaries, Relationships & Sex Ed & more for people with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities (Autism, ADHD, Down syndrome, Williams syndrome, etc.).
BBYO Center for Adolescent Wellness
BeWell (resources + request low- or no-cost trainings)
LEAD Inc. (Let’s Empower, Act, Do)
Dear Scout – An employee assistance program offering your camp staff HIPAA-compliant counseling teletherapy support