Jewish Children’s Regional Service

Jewish Children’s Regional Service

Financial “needs-based“ awards made to Jewish overnight campers who attend Jewish, non-profit camps in the US or Canada.  Families must reside in the states of AL, AR, LA, MS, OK , TN, or TX.
Families must submit online applications that also include financial documentation. Over 300 awards made annually. Applicants are encouraged to apply early , and while they must complete the forms, they are also encouraged  to  inform the agency of any extraordinary circumstances which either limit a family’s ability to pay, or details the importance of camp to a particular child.  Families are also encouraged to seek additional aid, if needed,  from their congregation, camp, local Jewish Federation, One Happy Camper Program, Goldring Scholarship etc.

Jewish Federation of Columbus

Jewish Federation of Columbus

JewishColumbus’ Jewish Overnight Camp Scholarship is available to residents of the Columbus, OH metropolitan area. The scholarship is intended for returning campers attending an approved Jewish summer overnight camp. The scholarship is needs-based. Families fill out an online google form application that goes live on November 15. Applications are reviewed and scholarships are awarded based on family income and length of camp session. Families are notified via email with scholarship amounts awarded. Campers cannot apply for both OHC and scholarship. Priority funding is given to One Happy Camper participants.

Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta

Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta

The Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta’s Camp Scholarship Program helps families in metro Atlanta with the cost of camp tuition. Camp scholarships are based on financial need and are awarded by the Camp Scholarship Committee as a part of an anonymous review and allocation process. All applications and inquiries are confidential. The camp scholarship program is funded through the generosity of individual donors and grants from charitable foundations.

The Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey

The Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey

Need-based camp scholarships are available for youth who demonstrate financial need.  Federation will award “last dollar” scholarships, taking into account both the family’s income and other scholarship awards received.