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Teaching About Israel through Picture Books

06/04/24 - 06/04/24

How can we use picture books about Israel to explore Israeli diversity, art, history, and culture and help campers feel a connection to Israel? In this webinar with author Susan Kusel, we will learn how to lead successful story times, offer activities and discussions using picture books, and find out how to select the best picture books to share with campers. All participants will receive an annotated bibliography of picture books. This session is especially for staff who work with campers up to age 8 and/or support the staff who work with campers up to age 8 – but all are welcome. This session will be recorded and made available online.

Susan Kusel is a children’s and Judaic book advocate and consultant. She has worked as a synagogue librarian, a children’s bookstore buyer, and a camp counselor for Jewish and secular day and overnight camps. She was a member of the 2015 Caldecott Medal committee and the former chair of the Sydney Taylor Book Award committee. She was the recipient of the 2023 American Library Association Equality Award and was named as a Library Journal Mover & Shaker. Her debut picture book, The Passover Guest was illustrated by Sean Rubin, published by Neal Porter Books/Holiday House and won the Sydney Taylor Book Award.



06/04/24 - 06/04/24

