Teaching Israel at Camp: Information Session
Teaching Israel at Camp is a project that aims to vastly increase the number of campers participating in high-quality Israel programming and education at day and overnight camps. To achieve this goal, FJC is offering grants of up to $14,000 to support the salary and programmatic efforts of a Head of Israel Education (HIE) for the summer of 2025. Heads of Israel Education whose positions are funded by this grant will participate in cohort-based learning and coaching during the spring and summer of 2025 and will provide one or more program write-ups at the end of summer to enable FJC to curate a bank of Israel programming for the field.
Register to join us for an introductory session about the Teaching Israel at Camp Summer 2025 initiative. This 45-minute information session (2 – 2:45 PM ET) will help you learn about grants and professional development for Israel education at camp.