
San Francisco-based Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund

Sponsor: San Francisco-based Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund


Northern California is blessed with a diversity of Jewish overnight camps, each one with its own unique flavor and offerings. Visit the Camp Collective hub to learn more about each of our six camps and the resources available to help make camp a reality.

The Federation’s overnight camp scholarship funding goes directly to the six Northern California camps to pool with their own scholarship dollars. Contact your camp to apply for financial assistance, or for first-time campers, check out One Happy Camper for information about incentive grants up to $1,000. The Federation no longer provides individual scholarships for camps outside the region – contact your camp directly to inquire about financial assistance.

Scholarship funds are provided with support from the Albert and Janet Schultz Overnight Campership Fund, the Bentkowsky Campership Fund, the Bernard Hurwitz and Ethel Adler Hurwitz Summer Camperships Fund, the Newhouse Fund, and other generous donors to the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund.

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