
Small Communities Incentive (SCI) Grants

Sponsor: Foundation for Jewish Camp


The Small Communities Incentive Program offers new campers from small communities of under 10,000 Jewish residents grants up to $1,500 for two consecutive summers to attend one of 15 participating summer camps.

Rising 4th -10th graders who are new overnight campers attending for three or more weeks of camp are eligible for Small Communities Incentive (SCI) Grants up to $1,500 for attending two consecutive summers and additional resources may be available based on specific communities and camps.


Click here for a list of camps participating in the Small Communities Incentive (SCI) Program, offering up to $1,500 towards the cost of camp for two consecutive summers.

How to Apply

Look at our Find a Camp resource to learn more about these camps and 150+ more. For more information about the Small Communities Incentive Program, contact Margalit Rosenthal margalit.rosenthal@jewishcamp.org, or the camp you’re interested in.

Contact Information