

Israeli Education Grants

Foundation for Jewish Camp, with the support of generous funders, launched Israel Education Grants for camps to bring in educators and organizational partners to implement new educational initiatives to deepen and expand Israel education.

Grants of $1,000-$10,000 are available for educational opportunities serving campers and/or staff at Jewish day and overnight camps this summer. These grants will cover up to 75% of the program cost, with camps expected to fund the remaining 25% of the program. Camps may apply individually, or a movement may apply on behalf of their camps.  Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and we hope to get back to you in 1-2 weeks.

Camps do not need to have an educator in mind or secured in order to apply. FJC is creating a directory of Israel educators and educational organizations to assist you in selecting a provider that meets the needs of your camp. Additionally, FJC will be available to consult with camps before and during the grant process, including talking through ideas for how the grant may be used to best support your camp.

Priority will be given to initiatives that make a lasting impact on your camp’s approach to Israel education rather than one-off experiences. Grants may be used to bring in outside organizations, hire an Israel educator on staff for a partial or full summer, obtain resources and supplies, cover travel, or other thoughtful strategies that meet this goal. We also encourage camps to work with local and regional counterparts to share educators and educational resources.

Applications for grants are currently closed.

If you have any questions or concerns, please be in touch with Dan Baer, Israel Education Grants Consultant, at dan.baer@fjcconsultant.org.