Jewish Residential Summer Camp Scholarship Program
Jewish residential summer camp scholarship program: Supplemental funding, based on financial need, to help rising 3rd through 10th graders attend an eligible Midwestern Jewish residential summer camp; applications available from camp offices.
JCL Louisville
The JCL provides scholarship for families requesting financial assistance for overnight camping experiences. A variety of funds in the JCL’s Foundation for Planned Giving and grants generously make funds available. A few funds are designated for specific camps while the majority are available for any FJC approved camp.
Jewish Federation of Columbus
JewishColumbus’ Jewish Overnight Camp Scholarship is available to residents of the Columbus, OH metropolitan area. The scholarship is intended for returning campers attending an approved Jewish summer overnight camp. The scholarship is needs-based. Families fill out an online google form application that goes live on November 15. Applications are reviewed and scholarships are awarded based on family income and length of camp session. Families are notified via email with scholarship amounts awarded. Campers cannot apply for both OHC and scholarship. Priority funding is given to One Happy Camper participants.