Greater MetroWest Jewish Overnight Camp Scholarship

Greater MetroWest Jewish Overnight Camp Scholarship

The Rocker Family Overnight Camp Scholarship program seeks to enable campers from families with significant financial need, who may not have otherwise attended Jewish overnight camp, to be able to do so. Available for families in the catchment area of Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest New Jersey (Essex, Morris, Union, Sussex, and parts of Somerset counties).


DJE Financial Need Based Scholarship Program

DJE Financial Need Based Scholarship Program

For financially needy young people living in Burlington, Camden, and Gloucester counties, NJ.  Applications are downloadable from the DJE website.  Applicants must complete application and submit two years of complete tax returns.  All submissions are reviewed confidentially.

The Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey

The Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey

Need-based camp scholarships are available for youth who demonstrate financial need.  Federation will award “last dollar” scholarships, taking into account both the family’s income and other scholarship awards received.