I Belong to Jewish Camp Design Theory Breakout: ISRAEL
facilitated by Adam Stewart Using design theory principles, participants will create a blueprint for a community with diverse perspectives on Israel. What are the diverse views on Israel? What is our goal in education?
Download: Israel
I Belong to Jewish Camp Design Theory Breakout: TEENS
facilitated by Reuben Posner Using design theory principles, participants will create a blueprint for attracting & retaining more Jewish teens to Jewish summer experiences. Question 1: How can I build our understanding about teens? Question 2: How could I open camp and invite teens in? Question 3: What is the experience I want teens and our existing population to have?
I Belong to Jewish Camp Design Theory Breakout: YOUNG FAMILIES
facilitated by Michael Mellen Using design theory principles, participants will create a blueprint for engaging families with young children. Question 1: How can I build our understanding about families with young children? Question 2: How could I open camp and invite families with young children? Question 3: What is the experience I want families with young children and our existing population to have?
Download: Young Families
I Belong to Jewish Camp Design Theory Breakout: LGBTQ
facilitated by Jonah Canner Using design theory principles, participants will create a blueprint for LGBTQ camper, staff & family engagement. Question 1: How can I build our understanding about the LBGTQ Campers & Families? Question 2: How could I open camp and invite LBGTQ Campers & Families in? Question 3: What is the experience I want the LBGTQ Campers & Families and our existing population to have?
Download: LGBTQ
I Belong to Jewish Camp Design Theory Breakout: INTERFAITH/MULTI-ETHNIC
facilitated by Lacey Schwartz Using design theory principles, participants will create a blueprint for engaging interfaith & multi-ethnic families. Question 1: How can I build our understanding about Interfaith/Multi-ethnic Families Experiences? Question 2: How could I open camp and invite Interfaith/multi-ethnic Families in? Question 3: What is the experience I want interfaith/multi-ethnic Families and our existing population to have?
Download: InterfaithMultiethnic
Belong to Jewish Camp Design Theory Breakout: EMERGING LEADERS
facilitated by Stefan Teodosic Using design theory principles, participants will create a blueprint for engaging & retaining students & young adults. Question 1: How can I build our understanding about students and young adults? Question 2: How could I open camp to students and young adults? Question 3: What is the experience I want students and young adults and our existing population to have?
Download: Emerging Leaders
I Belong to Jewish Camp Design Theory Breakout: DISABILITIES
facilitated by Jon Adam Ross Using design theory principles, participants created a blueprint for making our community more inclusive of campers with disabilities. Question 1: How can I build our understanding about people with disabilities experiences? Question 2: How could I open camp and invite people with disabilities in? Question 3: What is the experience I want people with disabilities and our existing population to have?