Marking Moments to Build Resilience

Marking Moments to Build Resilience

In this session we will discover new tools to build resiliency at camp through the merging of Jewish and psychological knowledge.

Israeli Culture Experience

Israeli Culture Experience

In this session we will learn how to bring the flavor of Israeli culture to our camp through food, art, and the people of Israel.

Notice and Wonder: Building Identity Portraits

Notice and Wonder: Building Identity Portraits

In this session we will explore the intersecting layers of our identities and build layered self-portraits that reflect both seen and unseen personal identity markers.

Israel/Palestine through Maps: An Exploration of Narratives

Israel/Palestine through Maps: An Exploration of Narratives

In this session we will use examples of Israeli and Palestinian maps to explore and compare how national narratives are captured. As we listen to the stories these different maps tell, we will discover new ways to engage campers, counselors, and staff in a pluralistic approach to discussing Israel and the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

Know Thy Directions: Exploring Nature and Our Moral Compass

Know Thy Directions: Exploring Nature and Our Moral Compass

In this session we will explore how to use the compass, both an actual compass and our moral compass. How do we set the moral compass of our campers to the North?

Braiding the Group: Games for Connectivity

Braiding the Group: Games for Connectivity

In this session we will activate our minds, bodies, and relationships through creative games built to balance and foreground social connection in groups of all experience levels. Come practice spreading joy and wonder to one another.

On Broadway, Identity Formation, and Being a Teen

On Broadway, Identity Formation, and Being a Teen

In this session we will explore prominent Broadway musicals featuring teen characters coming to terms with their own identities — the songs, characters, key scenes, and relationships that lead to moments of self-discovery — to inform how we can engage with teens at camp.

The Art of Sacred Rest for Teens

The Art of Sacred Rest for Teens

In this session we will notice how the experiences we have at camp that lead to moments of immense joy and self discovery can often deplete us of our energy. We will examine the seven different types of rest human beings need, methods to help teen campers achieve the rest they need, and discover how we can use our surroundings at camp to feel more restored, renewed, and rejuvenated.

Developing Empathy & Friendship: Creating Bunk Signs

Developing Empathy & Friendship: Creating Bunk Signs

In this session we will use our listening and empathy skills to develop lasting and deep connections with peers in our bunk. Using the Hebrew text V’ahavta L’rey’echa Kamocha (love your neighbor as yourself) as our guiding inspiration, we will create signs that reflect our newfound understanding of each other.

Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten

Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten

In this session we will be transported back to kindergarten and revisit the lessons of sharing, creativity, and joy.