By: Asya Gribov

Art & Mystery

Participants will learn about surrealist art movement and look closely at the works of various Jewish surrealist artists and authors to inspire and deepen thoughtful art making. Participants will learn various games that promote creativity and imagination – Submitted by Asya Gribov

Download:  Art and Mystery _Elective 2_Asya Gribov,Asya Gribov, Elective 2, Art & Mystery,  Document 5_0Asya Gribov Electvie 2 Art & Mystery Document 4 _0Asya Gribov Elective 2 Art & Mystery Handout 1 _0, Asya Gribov Elective 2 Art & Mystery Document 3_0, Asya Gribov Elective 2 Art & Mystery Document 2_0