Security Podcast 5

Security Podcast 5

FJC worked with the Tawonga Institute to produce a series of five podcasts to get you ready for a safe and secure summer. The INCIDENT PREPAREDNESS podcast series feature the insights and experiences of Camp Tawonga’s long-time Executive Director, Ken Kramarz.  This is the fifth podcast of the series.

Podcast 5: Communications (External) in an Incident
Communications in an Incident (External) (Highlights from Podcast 5)

By downloading a podcast or resource, I agree that it will be used exclusively to help my agency in Incident Preparedness.  Permission is expressly NOT given to sell, re-share, edit or copy for any other purpose. I understand that these podcasts and resources are for general purposes only and are not intended to be comprehensive and are not a substitute for complete training in Incident Preparedness, nor for the advice of other legal, communication or safety professionals.

FJC & Tawonga strongly recommend that every agency get complete professional guidance and make specific plans for its facility and for staff training.

Security Podcast 4

Security Podcast 4

FJC worked with the Tawonga Institute to produce a series of five podcasts to get you ready for a safe and secure summer. The INCIDENT PREPAREDNESS podcast series feature the insights and experiences of Camp Tawonga’s long-time Executive Director, Ken Kramarz.  This is the fourth podcast of the series.

Podcast 4: Key Roles in the Incident Command System
Key Roles in the Incident Command System (Highlights and Graphic)

By downloading a podcast or resource, I agree that it will be used exclusively to help my agency in Incident Preparedness.  Permission is expressly NOT given to sell, re-share, edit or copy for any other purpose. I understand that these podcasts and resources are for general purposes only and are not intended to be comprehensive and are not a substitute for complete training in Incident Preparedness, nor for the advice of other legal, communication or safety professionals.

FJC & Tawonga strongly recommend that every agency get complete professional guidance and make specific plans for its facility and for staff training.

Security Podcast 3

Security Podcast 3

FJC worked with the Tawonga Institute to produce a series of five podcasts to get you ready for a safe and secure summer. The INCIDENT PREPAREDNESS podcast series feature the insights and experiences of Camp Tawonga’s long-time Executive Director, Ken Kramarz.  This is the third podcast of the series.

Podcast 3: Setting Up Your Incident Command Post (ICP)
Setting Up Your Incident Command Post (Highlights from Podcast 3 and Graphic)

By downloading a podcast or resource, I agree that it will be used exclusively to help my agency in Incident Preparedness.  Permission is expressly NOT given to sell, re-share, edit or copy for any other purpose. I understand that these podcasts and resources are for general purposes only and are not intended to be comprehensive and are not a substitute for complete training in Incident Preparedness, nor for the advice of other legal, communication or safety professionals.

FJC & Tawonga strongly recommend that every agency get complete professional guidance and make specific plans for its facility and for staff training.

Security Podcast 2

Security Podcast 2

FJC worked with the Tawonga Institute to produce a series of five podcasts to get you ready for a safe and secure summer. The INCIDENT PREPAREDNESS podcast series feature the insights and experiences of Camp Tawonga’s long-time Executive Director, Ken Kramarz.  This is the second podcast of the series.

Podcast 2: Preparing Your Staff and Board
Preparing Your Board and Staff (Highlights from Podcast 2)

<em>By downloading a podcast or resource, I agree that it will be used exclusively to help my agency in Incident Preparedness.  Permission is expressly NOT given to sell, re-share, edit or copy for any other purpose. I understand that these podcasts and resources are for general purposes only and are not intended to be comprehensive and are not a substitute for complete training in Incident Preparedness, nor for the advice of other legal, communication or safety professionals.</em>

<em>FJC &amp; Tawonga strongly recommend that every agency get complete professional guidance and make specific plans for its facility and for staff training.</em>

Security Podcast 1

Security Podcast 1

FJC worked with the Tawonga Institute to produce a series of five podcasts to get you ready for a safe and secure summer. The INCIDENT PREPAREDNESS podcast series feature the insights and experiences of Camp Tawonga’s long-time Executive Director, Ken Kramarz.  This is the first podcast of the series.

Podcast 1: OMing Your Annual Meeting with Neighbors and Responders
OM Blank Form (Outcomes and Methods)

By downloading a podcast or resource, I agree that it will be used exclusively to help my agency in Incident Preparedness.  Permission is expressly NOT given to sell, re-share, edit or copy for any other purpose. I understand that these podcasts and resources are for general purposes only and are not intended to be comprehensive and are not a substitute for complete training in Incident Preparedness, nor for the advice of other legal, communication or safety professionals.

FJC & Tawonga strongly recommend that every agency get complete professional guidance and make specific plans for its facility and for staff training.

Incident Preparedness: Getting Ready for This Summer

Incident Preparedness: Getting Ready for This Summer

FJC worked with the Tawonga Institute to produce a series of five podcasts to get you ready for a safe and secure summer. The INCIDENT PREPAREDNESS podcast series feature the insights and experiences of Camp Tawonga’s long-time Executive Director, Ken Kramarz.  Please share them with your staff.

1. OMing Your Annual Meeting with Neighbors and Responders

Learn how to identify and refine design outcomes with Tawonga’s patented “OMing” system and use it to plan a great lunch for your neighbors and responders.

2. Preparing Your Staff and Board

Learn how to prepare your staff and Board for the roles they may play should an Incident arise at your camp.

3. Setting Up Your Incident Command Post (ICP)

Learn how to select locations in advance for your Incident Command Post and what you need to equip it with to feel ready for any response.

4. Key Roles in the Incident Command System

Learn the basics of the governmental system which Tawonga has adopted for use at camps and other community agencies to quickly mobilize your staff in case of an Incident.

5. Communications (External) in an Incident

Learn our Top Tips for creating public communications that are timely, accurate and effective with all your constituencies.


By downloading a podcast or resource, I agree that it will be used exclusively to help my agency in Incident Preparedness.  Permission is expressly NOT given to sell, re-share, edit or copy for any other purpose. I understand that these podcasts and resources are for general purposes only and are not intended to be comprehensive and are not a substitute for complete training in Incident Preparedness, nor for the advice of other legal, communication or safety professionals.

FJC & Tawonga strongly recommend that every agency get complete professional guidance and make specific plans for its facility and for staff training.