We maintain our brand integrity when our words are consistent in both content and appearance.
Note that we have two approved options for brand typography. The first set of families, our branded fonts, are to be used by the marketing department and external designers for formal designs. However, these are not universal fonts and are not to be used in day-to-day applications. For documents and presentations created by staff on a regular basis, please use the second set of fonts which are web-safe and will appear the same on just about every computer.
Custom Typefaces
For any headlines, titles, and other large applications please use GOTHAM BLACK. This typeface was designed to be used in ALL CAPS. If you want to use Title Case or Lower Case please use Gotham Book or Helvetica Lt Std 45 Light.

For any Sub-titles please use GOTHAM BOOK. This typeface was designed to be used in all UPPERCASE & Title Case.

Helvetica Neue LT Std 45 Light was designed to be used as body copy for any short or long-form text for FJC.

Web-Safe Typefaces
Arial Black
Arial Bold
Have questions about brand guidelines? The marketing team is here to help! Send us a question on Slack in #askmarketing, or contact one of us directly.
- Aimee Lerner | Marketing Director
- Chase Lang | Digital Marketing Manager
- Abbie Garcia | Marketing Associate