
Logo Guidelines

Our logo plants a tree in the middle of our name. The tree—a powerful Jewish symbol— carries over from our previous logo. In Jewish tradition, the tree represents both the Jewish people and Jewish learning. Trees also symbolize sustainability through the seasons and years. And, not least of all, their green canopies recall the magic of summertime, when we center our lives outdoors.

As a general rule when working with any of the logos, try to follow this guide:

  1. Always scale the logo proportionately without warping or skewing the logo
  2. Always add appropriate margins around the logo
  3. Always use these colors and file versions
  4. Always use the logo without alterations (no stroke, outline or drop shadow)
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Primary Logo

Logo Tagline

The ONLY time the tagline will use the font Gotham Medium (the used font for the tagline in the logo) is when the logo and tagline are together as a lockup (as shown). For any other applications of the tagline please use Impressum Std Bold.


Aside from the FJC logo, there are many sub brand logos with their own usage rules.